A little maintenance now might just get you through the winter!
It's amazing what some new siding can do for a home. Check out these before and after pictures!
Proud to be a sponsor of these cool Fire Safety Magnets and what an awesome idea from the Scio Township Fire Department!
Dexter daze 2018 has begun!
Head down to Brag Ann Arbor Home, Garden, and Lifestyle show to check out our booth!
The sun is shining and it's warming up outside. That means its time to step outside and see what mother nature has done to your home. Come down to the BRAG Home, Garden, & Lifestyle Show March 17-18 to get questions about your roof answered and checkout the newest products in protesting your home from our crazy Michigan weather. All you have to do is click the link below for your free ticket!!!
Good thing it ends before Tuesday!
Many people walk down different paths in their life. Our path led us to Roofing...and yours could too!
Welcoming the newest member of the Dexter Builders Family
Check out this simple article about how to keep that roof over your head!
Lawn, Garden, and Roofing???
Pitch Perfect...The Roofing Edition!!!
Is this the Hover Board of the roofing industry...or the future to get ready for?
Farmers got nothing on a Roofers Tan
Last day for the Brag Ann Arbor Home, Garden, and Lifestyle show. Come out and see us from 10-5pm!
See you this weekend!
Good News Everyone...The power is back on and everything is up and running
Good Monday morning to each and everyone. We hope you had a good weekend and like snow...because it's snowing. Just a quick update to let everyone know that we still don't have power at our office. There may be a few brave souls working in the office today but bear with us until we are fully back up and running.
Due to the large power outage we were closed yesterday and will remain closed today. We hope to be open Monday but will keep everyone posted. Enjoy the weekend and power if you have it!
You Survived The Winter...Did Your Roof?
Take A Look At Our New Website And Learn A Little More About Us!!!
7 Signs To Make Sure Your Roof Survived The Recent Bad Weather!
It's Like Clothes For Your House!
Dexter Roof & Siding
16300 Luick Drive, Chelsea, MI 48118